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  3. Flux for Wave Soldering
  4. Powerful Wetting Wave Soldering Flux for General Applications

Powerful Wetting Wave Soldering Flux for General Applications

  • JS-E-15X
Powerful Wetting Wave Soldering Flux for General Applications

JS-E-15X is a rosin-based powerful wetting wave soldering flux. It provides excellent and rapid wettability on standard tin plating as well as on various challenging materials, such as oxidized copper, brass, and nickel. It supports a wide range of process windows, including selective soldering.


  • Rosin-based flux for general applications
  • Powerful wetting on various hard-to-wet materials (Oxidized Cu, brass, Ni, etc.)
  • Outstanding through-hole holefill characteristics
  • Applicable for wave, selective and repair soldering

Product Performance Table

  • Product name


  • Type


  • Solid Content(%)


  • Specific gravity(at 20℃)


  • Halide content(%)


  • Flux Type

    ROM1 (IPC J-STD-004B)

  • Purpose of Use

    Wave soldering

New Flux technology realizes powerful wetting properties

The flux’s effectiveness minimizes application inconsistencies, allowing it to spread smoothly across the board and create a uniform film.

This ensures comprehensive oxide removal, resulting in stable soldering quality with consistent through-hole holefill solder performance

◾️Koki Tech EQSS-350SD

Outstanding through-hole solder holefill

◾️Comparison of through-hole solder holefill

JS-E-15X optimizes flux performance throughout preheating and soldering. The through-hole holefill, critical to soldering quality, has been significantly enhanced.

Aiming for unparalleled wetting speed

The product demonstrates rapid wetting, not only on standard tin plating but also on materials like brass, nickel, and other typically challenging surfaces. Even under conditions like double-sided plating, it delivers exceptional versatility.

◾️Meniscograph Test

Contact Us

For any requests for estimates, product information, technical questions, etc. please reach out to us.