Anti-iron tip Erossion
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What is iron tip erosion?
Iron tip erosion is the damages to the Fe (iron) plating layer of the soldering iron tip occurs when soldering with solder wire. Fe from the soldering iron tip would dissolve into molten solder(leaching) so that the iron tip is eroded.
◾️Schematic image of soldering iron tip

Cause of iron tip erosion and concerns
Iron tip erosion is induced by Sn in the solder to form alloy with Fe plating layer on the soldering iron tip. Leaded solder, which used to be a prevailing solder alloy, barely had iron tip erosion issue because it has relatively low Sn content and it could form Pb-Fe compound on the iron tip interface which prevents Fe from dissipate into the solder.
However, as lead-free solder with high Sn content becomes popular, iron tip erosion issue becomes obvious, and the increased cost of frequently replacing the iron tip becomes a concern.
In addition, soldering by a soldering iron becomes automated, which tends to feed the solder wire to the same location every time, further increases the concern on iron tip erosion.

To prevent iron tip erosion, it is necessary to prevent the formation of Sn-Fe intermetallic compound and to stop the Fe from dissipating into the solder.
As a countermeasure from alloy standpoint, using a solder alloy with Cobalt (Co) is effective. Co replaces Fe in Sn-Fe compound and forms a triple barriers (from the Fe plating side, Sn-Fe>Sn-Co-Fe>Sn-Co) and inhibits Fe dissipation from the iron tip.

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