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  3. Flux Cored Solder Wire
  4. Halogen-free Flux Cored Solder Wire

Halogen-free Flux Cored Solder Wire

  • S3X-60NH
Halogen-free Flux Cored Solder Wire

S3X-60NH combines excellent workability with being halogen-free. It quickly reacts to oxide films, ensuring smooth wetting and spreading for efficient soldering, even on metals with challenging oxide films such as brass and nickel.


  • Exceptional wettability achieved through efficient oxide film removal
  • Reduced carbide formation during continuous soldering iron shots
  • Minimizes carbide formation during continuous shots, thereby extending cleaning intervals
  • Complies with Halogen Free standard (BS EN14582, Br+Cl < 1,500 ppm)

Product Performance Table

  • Product name


  • Composition

    Sn 3.0Ag 0.5Cu

  • Melting Point(℃)


  • Flux Content(%)


  • Halide content(%)


  • Flux Type

    ROL0 (IPC J-STD-004)

  • Diameter(mm φ)

    0.3, 0.5, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0 ,1.2

Smoothly removes oxide films and enhances wetting speed

S3X-60NH swiftly reacts to oxide films and disperses evenly. It effectively removes oxide films not only from copper but also from metals with stubborn oxide films, such as brass and nickel.

◾️Comparison of wetting spread rates with Halogen-containing products

Fast pad wetting and spreading

◾️Comparison of solder wetting spread at the connector part

Compared to conventional halogen-free products, which often have insufficient solder wetting spread, S3X-60NH quickly covers the entire pad, forming ideally shaped fillets.

Minimizes carbide formation and significantly reduces the number of cleaning cycles

Minimizes carbide formation from continuous soldering iron shots and prevents buildup on the iron tip, maintaining consistent soldering quality. It decreases cleaning frequency, leading to more efficient production processes.

◾️Comparison of continuous soldering iron shots performed without cleaning

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