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  4. High Melting Point Solder Paste for General Application (Sn5Sb)

High Melting Point Solder Paste for General Application (Sn5Sb)

  • S5A48-M500C
High Melting Point Solder Paste for General Application (Sn5Sb)

Due to its higher melting point compared to SAC305, it is ideal for products where re-melting after soldering is a concern and for power devices operating at high temperatures. Newly designed flux formulation ensures extremely low voiding with CSPs and broad contact area components such as BTCs/ QFNs.


  • High melting point alloy composition: Sn5Sb
  • Prevents solder from re-melting during multiple reflow cycles
  • Extremely low voiding formulation
  • Applicable for 0603 metric chips / 0.3 mm diameter for CSP mounting

Product Performance Table

  • Product name


  • Composition

    Sn 5.0Sb

  • Melting Point(℃)

    238 - 241

  • Particle Size(μm)

    20 - 45

  • Flux Content(%)


  • Viscosity(Pa.s)


  • Halide content(%)


  • Flux Type

    ROL0 (IPC J-STD-004)

High-Melting Point Solder Alloy: Composition

The most popular lead-free solder alloy composition is SAC305 (Sn/3.0Ag/0.5Cu) whose melting point is 217~219˚C. However, demand for high-melting point solder has been increasing as the product specification has become more versatile.

Traditionally, leaded solder alloy (Sn5/95Pb, melting point 300~314˚C) has been used for high-temperature purposes. However, lead-free solder alloy for a high-temperature applications are needed to comply with environmental issues.

S5A48-M500C is comprised from Sn5Sb solder alloy for high-temperature applications with a melting point of 238~241˚C.

Prevent Re-Melting

S5A48-M500C has a higher melting point than conventional lead-free solder alloys, which makes it suitable for PCBs which have a concern with re-melting after reflow or a power device which operates in high temperature environments.

Use of a high-melting point solder by module makers is increasing to prevent the solder joints in their module component to not re-melt during reflow in their customer products.

Stable Continuous Printability

S5A48-M500C solder paste has successfully prevented viscosity change during printing by controlling the reaction between the solder powder and flux.

Stable print performance was confirmed in continuous paste printability tests, as the solder paste transfer rate was comparable between the initial 10 prints and 10 prints after 200 strokes.

◾️Print transfer rate(Comparison between initial and after 200 strokes)

High Surface Mount Assembly Quality

S5A48-M500C is compatible with 0603 (metric) size chip components. It does not deteriorate after solder paste rolling stress and maintains high meltability.

◾️Meltability after solder paste rolling stress

Good Void Performance regardless of Component Type

S5A48-M500C is compatible with air-atmosphere reflow and forms low-void solder joints regardless of the component type. This solder paste can be used with PCBs for many different purposes.

◾️Void occurrence in solder joints of different components

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